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Integriteit Belgische Orde Van Geneesheren wordt ook elders in vraag gesteld, Panorama goes viral

I would be careful to expect any outcome, visible or not, from the Belgian Order of Physicians Official site French | Official site Dutch. Their scientific & legal integrity was recently brought into question by a Belgian documentary as part of the current affairs television program called Panorama Dutch | Official site Dutch | Dutch | Dutch, namely episode 11, entitled “Impartiality insured” (Originally in Dutch: “Onpartijdigheid verzekerd”).

The documentary tried to expose fraudulent medical experts who incorrectly dispute accidents in cooperation with insurance companies. The documentary was created by VRT-journalist Wim Van den Eynde & Alina Kneepkens | | . The first wrote an article on the subject, of which the following is a translated extract:

I have read reports that filled me with horror. Reports of physicians who use difficult medical jargon as a cloak in an attempt to camouflage their real intentions. Physicians who manipulate, lie and cheat, for whom people are apparently no longer patients, but file records which need to be finished.

Translated from Dutch:

Ik heb verslagen gelezen die me met afschuw vervulden. Verslagen van artsen die moeilijk medisch jargon als scherm hanteren in een poging hun echte bedoelingen te camoufleren. Artsen die schaamteloos manipuleren, liegen en bedriegen, voor wie mensen klaarblijkelijk geen patiënten meer zijn, maar dossiers die moeten afgehandeld worden.

▸…, Wim Van den Eynde, Panorama | Canvas, Canvas at 27/5/2015.

Please allow me to feature a small excerpt, which I have subtitled, from this 57-minute documentary, regarding the Belgian Order of Physicians. The main interviewee of this excerpt is Alain Heyrman European Convention of Human Rights (EHCR) CASE OF HEYRMAN v. BELGIUM (25694/06) French | Corruptie troef Dutch | Medische corruptie in justitie Dutch | Stop Misbruik Verzekeringen Dutch | Stop Misbruik Verzekeringen | SlideShare Dutch. Below, the excerpt can be found:

On websites by Alain Heyrman, such as the ones mentioned above, which have been established against fraud involving physicians & insurance companies, it can be read that Alain Heyrman e.g. filed a complaint at the Belgian Order of Physicians against Ludo Jonckheer | Medionex Dutch, already on 18/11/1999.

Ludo Jonckheer is a double member (5/2012-5/2018) of the Order of Physicians, as can be found in:

▸… /…, ~, Composition — Ordre des médecins — Ordomedic / Samenstelling — Orde van geneesheren — Ordomedic, Ordre des médecins / Orde van geneesheren, at 27/5/2015. ▸… /…, ~, Conseil d’appel d’expression française — Ordre des médecins — Ordomedic / Raad van beroep met het Frans als voertaal — Orde van geneesheren — Ordomedic, Ordre des médecins / Orde van geneesheren, at 27/5/2015

During 5/2006-5/2012, he was also a member of the Order, as could be found in:

▸ http://www.ordomedic… /…, ~, Ordomedic — Conseil d’appel d’expression française, Ordre des médecins / Orde van geneesheren, at 5/12/2010.

The episode can be watched fully via Canvas’ website or via VRT’s website. Canvas | Official site Dutch, the television channel on which the documentary was aired, is a part of Flemish Radio and Television Broadcasting Organization (VRT) | Official site.

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